I, like most mom's, find my daughter to be both unbearably adorable and entertaining. So I decided to start a blog completely dedicated to her quirky personality. This way we can share the love with anyone interested. Being Sadie's mom is the best thing that ever happened to me, so I hope you enjoy The Adventures of Little Miss Sadie Laree as much as I do!

Friday, November 20, 2009

September 2007

So there I was sound asleep minding my own business and mommy found it very entertaining that I was talking in my sleep, what can I say. Then she continued to be amused when she put my blanket by my face so I would have something to lean against and in my sleep I grabbed it and put it in my mouth.

I'm starting to get the hang of the bottle thing. One morning I woke up, and saw my bottle, grabbed it, and started drinking out of it. It saves me a lot of time to do it myself rather than wait for mommy to come in and get it for me :).

I have also figured out how to maximize the capacity my fingers have to hold things. Sometimes when I have my hands full, and mommy offers me something else, I'll stick out a finger to grab it with so that I don't have to let go of what I already have.

Now enter the walking phase! I can now walk when someone holds my fingers to help me balance. Once I get the hand of it and can do it on my own my evil plot to wreak havoc and commence. Wahaha!

Mommy had a long day at work and worked into the night. So daddy was really sweet and brought mommy dinner to her at work and then took me home and got me ready for bed.

I have found a new way to entertain mommy and daddy. I'm telling you, ideas just keep coming to me. So what I do is, scrunch face up my face, put on a cheesy smile, and breath in and out of my nose really fast. This one really brings down the house!

Another month, another set of changes. I got my second tooth in today. Mommy started her new job. I can now sit up on my own! I've started responding to my name when it is said and reaching out for mommy. I also get a little scared when she yells at the dogs when they are barking incessantly or being naughty. I can move between two things standing up if they are close together. I can also stand on my own for a short time if I don't know I'm standing on my own, those sneaky parents. Mommy lowered my crib since I can pull myself up now. I have also discovered my reflection, and let me tell you, I like what I see, I can't get enough of it!

I woke up this morning with the flu from the fiery depths!!!! First, mom woke me up this morning and I was covered in throw up, it was even in my hair. Mommy cleaned me up and got me ready for the day. Then I had a huge diaper blow out. When we got to work I slept most of the day. I had another diaper blow out and threw up all over myself when I woke up. Mommy cleaned me up and I had a bottle, and then threw up all over my second outfit. To finish off the show, I then threw up all over mommy, the floor, and myself. Mommy paged her boss in her office and said, "I'm covered in vomit, I'm going home." And so we did.

Day two of the flue from the fiery depths is not much better than day one. Except today, to compound the problem mommy woke up with it also. She called in sick to work and then asked daddy to come home from work to take care of me so that she could rest. I had a lot lot lot of diaper changes today, but no more throwing up. Mommy says that she has never had a worse stomach flu in her entire life!

Ok, now we are on to day three of the flu from the fiery depths and guess what, now daddy has it. We were just one big sick happy family and all spent the day at home sick. Mommy and I were going to fly to Idaho to surprise grandpa Bob for his 50th birthday, but we had to reschedule for the next day hopping that we might feel a little better. Well, we didn't feel much better, but we did go. At the airport, there was a really nice lady that was in a hurry so she helped mommy get our luggage to the chick in point. Everyone on the flight was really nice to let us in even though we missed the pre-board. Uncle Clancy picked us up and we went to the surprise party for grandpa. He looked really surprised to see us :)!

We are home now, it seems like day 1,056,936 of our sickness. I've lost count to say the least and don't even get me started on how soar my bottom is. Uncle Clancy called to tell mommy that he got our sickness. So mommy called grandma and grandpa to see if they got it also and sure enough grandma Connie did. Oh and half the people at the surprise party got it as well, this thing spreads faster that wildfire on a windy day. There seems to be no end in sight and the symptoms refuse to let up. Yes, the vomiting is gone, but the exhaustion, achiness, etc… will not give, not even just a little.

Daddy sent mommy a dozen red roses to her work today for their five year anniversary! On our way home, mommy stopped and got flowers for grandma Jolene. Then we met daddy at the hospital. She had to have an emergency surgery due to complications from the surgery she had two years ago, so we spent a little while at the hospital with her.

Mommy and daddy went out to celebrate their anniversary and I had my first sleepover away from mommy. I had a really good time with uncle Chris and aunt Fionnuala. When mommy and daddy picked me up, they said I was good. Then we went and visited grandma Jolene to see how she’s doing. Mommy left and went to something with aunt Jenny, after she left I crawled over to cousin Johan and tried to take his pop cycle, for some reason Johan was not a fan of this idea. It never hurts to try.

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