I've had a rash on my arm for, dare I say, way too long, so mommy took me to the doctor’s. They gave me some cream to clear it up and called eczema. Grandma Connie is in town, she and mommy were watching a movie and I couldn't help myself but dance to the music in it. The song was calling to my feet and they had to answer. I also had to tickle myself, when grandpa Bob isn't around someone has to pick up the slack. I also saw one of my blankets in the dryer and tried to get it out even though it was wet.
Mommy tired to feed me lunch today, but I insisted on feeding myself. I did a pretty good job to if I do say so myself.
Ok, so I'm starting to see why mommy keeps telling me to stay out of the dog's water. As it turns out she knows stuff. I stuck my foot in the dog’s water (it seemed like a good idea at the time) and then when I went to walk away and stepped forward on that foot I slipped and fell.
At church today, one of the girls in mommy's Sunday school class was giving me lots of attention, so I tried to get her to pick me up, it seems though that perhaps either I'm a little too big or she is a little too small.
Grandma Connie thinks I'm so cute with my problem solving skills. She was handing me a snack and when she handed me a second snack I would either put the one I had in my mouth or my other hand so that I could take another one. We were in the car so grandma could only reach far enough to one hand.
I was such a character today, so says mommy. I took some q-tips out of my drawer and was putting them in my ears, I came out of the bathroom carrying the bathroom rug, and then had the pen lid on my finger. Sometimes I like to go into mommy and daddy's closet and pulls on mommy's bathrobe, I like to think it's my blanky and I'm just trying to get it.
I've started to make a fish face, this is lots of fun! Mommy was too funny when she was trying to put me down for my nap. I was touching her eye lids, pulling her eye lashes, and pinching her nose and then laughing hysterically, what fun! My rash is getting better, thank heavens. Mommy heard me making a funny sound in my bedroom and when she went to see what I was doing, I was trying to get my blanky out of my dirty clothes hamper. I threw up on one of my blankie’s today. You know what I love? To try on mommy's shoes and try to walk around in them. She makes it look easy, but I'm still practicing, after all practice makes perfect.
I had a rough night; one of my molars is in. Mommy just finally put me in bed with her. When I woke up I was pretty wiggly and when mommy opened her eyes, I was 1/8 of an inch from her face, she thought it was cute.
Mommy packed us up and made some arrangements. Then we drove to Idaho to grandma and grandpa's today. It was a really loooooooooooong drive, so rough.
I'm having fun with grandma and grandpa. I really like to play patty cake with Grandma Connie. I've started making the sound ouwy. And apparently mommy's been yelling at the dogs to stop barking to much because when she does it I mimic her and yell as well. I also like to take toy cars and roll them across the ground, good times. Oh and another thing, me likes to give five, they stick out their hand and I give it a slap, what's not to like.
I had a fun day today. First I came out of mommy's room dragging a pair of her pants with me, not sure what I had planned for them, but whatever it was it was going to be good. Then mommy took me swimming for the first time! I was scared at first, but then I really liked it.
Mommy took me to the park. I smiled a little on the swings and then wanted out, I don't know what that was all about, swinging in the air. Then I just walked around and picked things up off the ground. I was being quiet and when mommy went to see what I was up to I had pulled as many wiped out of the dispenser as I could and threw them all over the floor, now that is what I call fun.
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