I, like most mom's, find my daughter to be both unbearably adorable and entertaining. So I decided to start a blog completely dedicated to her quirky personality. This way we can share the love with anyone interested. Being Sadie's mom is the best thing that ever happened to me, so I hope you enjoy The Adventures of Little Miss Sadie Laree as much as I do!

Friday, November 20, 2009

August 2006

Mommy and daddy were trying to put one of the TVs up on a stands in a bedroom, but it was too heavy. When they went to take it down it went splat. Mommy just laughed and said, “That solves that problem. We have too many TV’s anyways.”

Daddy was working so hard today, he mowed the lawn and accidentally ran over a pipe in the yard that started spewing water everywhere. No worries though, mommy shut the water off and got what she need to fix it. She said that it was the easiest fix she's ever done and the cheapest!

What a day, Maggie peed mommy and daddy's bed not once, but twice! That naughty girl! Grandpa Bob and uncle Clancy came over and built a fence for mommy and daddy, I'm soon to find out that they are pretty nice :).

Another doctor appointment for me and mommy, everything was right on track, I'm doing really well in here.

Mommy is so excited, she's felt me move before, but I wanted to make sure she knows I'm still in here and doing well, so I gave her the first of many sweet little love kicks to come.

Another important day that mommy and daddy of oh so anxiously awaiting has finally arrived, ultrasound day! Am I a girl or a boy, let's find out! They told mommy to drink 32 oz of water an hour before her appointment. With 32 oz of water a little me bouncing on her bladder she was not very happy about having to wait longer than expected for her appointment. She was in so much pain that if the nurse and come one second later and called her name she would have found mommy in tears. I measured exactly the way that it should and looked the way that I should. I'm perfectly healthy. I felt a little weird about being this peeping tom, so I decided to cover up as best I could. Although they kept saying something about not being able to tell for sure if I was a boy or a girl because of it. The lady kept poking my bottom with her ultrasound tool trying to get me to move, but I was not about to show everything off to the world. Then mom joined in on the effort to get me to move, she had a snack, walked around, shook me up a little. I showed them though, I moved, but I just put my legs straight up kept them tightly next to each other. She pushed and poked, mommy turned from one side to the other, but they can try all they want I'm not opening up. And just to show them what was what I crossed my feet at the ankle. The technician's best guess based the some things she did and didn't see is that I'm a girl. But that mom and dad, I'll tell you they are relentless, they just went to fetal photos later in the day. Sure enough I'm a girl!!! Mommy and daddy let everyone in on the good news! On our way home daddy said that we were going to have to lay down some dating rules and that he had to protect me from all the scum bags out there, he's so funny.

Mommy has been keeping track of the pregnancy in a book and on a calendar that grandma Jolene gave her, it should be fun to see when I'm older. Mommy and daddy like to show me off in the ultrasound video of me, my first home video!

Baby registry time! Mommy and daddy registered for gifts for me today. I can't wait to see and use everything! Daddy picked out the bedding for my room and it was the most girly thing there, he so sweet.

Now that mommy knows what I am, she's painting my room. It's going to be so cute. It was a lot of work, but it turned out just like she wanted it to.

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