I, like most mom's, find my daughter to be both unbearably adorable and entertaining. So I decided to start a blog completely dedicated to her quirky personality. This way we can share the love with anyone interested. Being Sadie's mom is the best thing that ever happened to me, so I hope you enjoy The Adventures of Little Miss Sadie Laree as much as I do!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

January 2010

Mom put in a DVD for me, but I wanted to do it myself. So I took it out and put it back in and then told mommy that she was being naughty. Later in the day grammy, baba, uncle Clancy, mommy, and I went to get ice cream and to see Alvin and the Chipmunks the Squeakqual.

When mommy woke up this morning, she sneezed and from my bed I blessed her :).

I told mommy today that I wanted to go to the doctor because I hurt my arm.

I had the orange peeler and said, "Mom, this fits in my nose." Mommy said not to put things in my nose, I don't know why, it's a rather pleasant sensation if you ask me.

I went to activities day with grammy and mommy and had a lot of fun playing with the girls, I especially liked playing upset the fruit basket. I kept standing in the middle and saying, "Oranges!" Later we were at grammy's and I went came up to mom and said, "I kicked grandpa's butt."

Before church started the guy behind us was saying hi to me. I pulled my extra pair of panties out of my back pack and said to him, "Look, these are my big girl panties." Mommy said that I should leave them in my backpack. That time wasn't as bad as another time we were at church and mommy told me to get my hand out of my pants, to which I replied very loudly, "But mom, there's something in my bum." The guys behind us had a really great laugh over that one.

I went potty on the toilet and afterward said to mommy, "You're so proud of me."

We went over to grammy's today and celebrated my birthday! After cake and presents, we went to Chuck E Cheese! When we got home mom put together the doll house she got me for my birthday. I also got foam swords from Clancy, $100 for savings from baba, and clothes from grammy. What a day. Mom can't believe that I'm already three, but is as crazy about me as ever.

When I went down stairs this morning mom pointed out to me that she put my doll house together and I got a surprised look on my face and then went over to it and was picking things up saying "lovely".

When I got up this morning, I told mommy that my peepee was yellow, lol. 101 Dalmatians was on, which I have been binging on, and I said, "Oh my gracious," because I was concerned about what was going on in the movie. Now that I watch that movie all of the time I keeps telling mommy that I want to go to the pet store and get a PJ puppy. I went and had my three year pictures done today and it went much better than last year.

I pointed to my cheek and said to mommy, "Do you have a kiss for my cheek?" And of course she did :).

I was having so much fun in the nursery at church today that I didn't want to leave. I've been saying a lot lately, "Let's go both together" and "Can I ride on your back?"

Mommy was feeding me some yogurt and I said that I wanted to taste it, which means I want to put my finger in it to get some on my finger and then eat it. So I did that and then I put what was on my finger and put it on my toe and then licked it off my toe. Mom said not to eat food off my toes, yet again, I don’t' understand this.

I heard mommy making an appointment for my three year check up a few days ago. So when I came into mom's room this morning I asked her if I could go to the doctor today. She told me that we would go to the doctor tomorrow and that today we were going to grammy's. So I said, "ok, not now, but later".

I finally got to go to the doctor today, I've been waiting all week. Everything went well. I'm 38 pounds and 40 inches, that puts me in the 95% for height and weight. Mom keeps telling me that I'm too big to carry, I guess she's right, who knew. The doctor said that I had really good teeth and complimented my lips :). She suggested that mom start giving me skimmed milk, that I eat all my meals at the dinner table, and to try to get me to eat as healthy as I can.

When we walk from the garage to the house when it's dark, I always say that I'm scared. Mommy always tells me that I don't have to be afraid because she's with me to protect me and keep me safe and that she wouldn't let me get hurt. So today I told her not to be afraid and that I would keep her safe.

We drove to Utah today so that I can visit daddy! All the way there I kept saying I wanted to see daddy. When daddy dropped me off to go home the next day, mommy was trying to put me to bed, I told her that she was brave and wanted her to feed me my sippy like she did when I was a baby.

I wanted to play a game on the computer this morning and while I was trying to decide I said, "Think, think" like in Winnie the Pooh. I also says a lot, "not quit" and "let's go both together" or asks a question and ends it with "or something."

I got in bed with mommy at 3:00 am, shortly after that I sat up and turned on her radio. She turned it off and told me it was sleep time. So then I started to sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider, she shhhhed me and so I started to whisper the song. While we were at grammy's today I was behind mommy and wrapped my arms around her and then said which hand and put them both in front of her. She picked a hand and there wasn't anything in it, so she picked the other hand and there wasn't anything in that on either, lol.

I was in the bath tub and freaked out because some ants got into the water and was saying that the ants were going to kill me. Mommy keeps reassuring me that I don't need to be scared of aunts, but I not about to listen to her.

It's been quit the day, I have had a cold for a few days, had diarrhea during the day, and for the grand finally I threw up on my bed.
Maggie chewed up one of my toys. I asked mom if I could talk to Maggie about it. She said that I could, so I went to Maggie put my arm around her and had a discussion with her in a very sweet tone. It was hilarious according to mommy.


  1. Super cute blog! You are inspiring me to do better at posting more stuff about my kids. I'm proud of you for being such a great mom! Sadie is lucky! Love ya!

  2. She is so funny and I love her so much!! Thanks for sharing this blog with me - it was hilarious and so adorable at the same time! Nana looked at it too and loved it too. She's wants this pics and a copy of the blog. We both miss her so much!!

  3. You are going to love this forever--looking back at all the hillarious things a 3 year old does and says. I get such a kick out of how much she looks like you and LaRee used to. She's adorable! Loves from Kerri and the (Kofoed) Costley Clan
