Daddy came to visit me this weekend.
Mommy started trying to potty train again today, it was a typical first day, lots of accidents. This morning mommy was trying to get me to do something and I said, "No, stop, I'm trying to listen." Mommy was outside with me doing sidewalk chalk and she got stung by a wasp. Right after that dad showed up with a new swimming pool for me and took care of the wasp problem. Later in the evening we went and did a service project for fhe (family home evening).
I put on my flip flops and then looked at mom and said, "These are on the wrong feet?" and she said, "Yes they are". So I changed them to the correct feet. I also says a lot, "I'm almost done" and "No I'm ok". If someone gets something in on their shirt I'll say, "You need a new shirt." If mommy gets me dressed in the morning before herself, I'll tell her, "You need to get dressed."
We worked on potty training a little more, I peed on the chair in the kitchen and pooped in the tub.
I went outside to play with the neighbor kids, they were sitting on the steps drawing pictures and I said, "What is going on here?" I was playing with them again later and had a little gas and said to them, "Hey guys, I'm a stinky bum". Then they were running through the sprinklers and screaming and I kept saying, "No screaming."
Mommy and I were playing in my new pool together and I motioned to mommy and told her that she was Flounder and then motioned to myself and said I was Ariel. When I motioned I had my fingers together like a beauty queen wave and did it in a pointing manner. I also told mommy that she was a guppy. Then I said mommy was bear and I was sheep (from Word World). She pretended to put a crown on me and then I pretended to put it on her (from a Word World episode) and called her "Your Majesty." I also kept saying while we were in the pool, "Let's take a break," then I would sit still for a few seconds and then start back up playing. Baba stopped by and dropped of some stuff for mommy's fence project.
Mommy was sitting in the computer chair and I was in the chair behind her and kept saying, "You're squishing me." I also say a lot, "I'll be right back" and "hold that for me". I also say that Maggie is a good boy, no matter how many times mommy tries to explain that Maggie is a girl :). Something I've found most helpful is that I have figured out how to open doors, mommy's not excited about this.
Potty training went better today, or so mommy thinks. I'm not ready to give it up just yet ;).
This morning I was watching a show while mommy was working on something and I said, "Where did that come from?" Mommy didn't know what I was talking about, but it was funny none the less.
Mommy and uncle Clancy went to a movie while grammy and baba watched me. Then we ment them at the movies and grammy and baba went to it. I totally got ripped off and didn't get to go to the movies even after I told them that I wanted to go to the movies too. Mommy claimed there wasn't anything out for me to see. We stopped by the store on our way home. While we were waiting in line to make a return, I asked mom what she was doing and then said, "You're just goofing around."
Mommy and I went over to Uncle James's to try and help him with his truck because it wouldn't start. On our way there I had my little pink Care Bear that baba got me out of a vending machine, and said, "Care Bear Stare!" When we got home, I was watching the Jungle Book and said, "I'm scared." Then I was sitting on the couch eating a piece of cheese and made a big mess, when mommy told me I made a mess, I said, "Don't worry, Milo will clean it up." Potty training went ok today, I finally went poop on the toilet for the first time since the second go round at potty training. When mom flushed the toilet, I asked where the poopy went, and she told me it went down the toilet. Then I said, "The poopy's with Jesus now?"
I have been getting really close at spelling out my name. I'll say, "S D I E, Sadie." Sometimes I will say excuse me when I burp. Today I had my stuffed lamb wrapped up in a towel like a blanket and was singing the lullaby from Lady and the Tramp to it.
When mommy's alarm went off this morning, I asked what it was, mommy told me and I said, "That's so funny." Then we were looking for a book to read and I said, "I'm so embarrassed" which I got that from Monster at the End of the Book. We were reading There's a Wocket in my Pocket book and every time we turned a page I would point at a figure and say, "Look a new friend."
We went to the grocery store and a lady there said that I was gorgeous and that I should model. I think she makes a very good point, I am quit adorable if I do say so myself.
This morning mommy heard a sound and then I sounded unhappy. She went in my room and I said that I hurt my toe. There's a possibility that I dropped my sippy on it, but the world will never really know. Mommy asked me to show her witch toe so that she could kiss it better. I grabbed my big toe and said, "This piggy." I got that from Baba playing "this little piggy went to market…" with me. Mommy bought me some new clothes for fall cause I'm growing like a weed.
I only had one accident today and that's a very big accomplishment!!! Over the course of a few days I said that I love poopy, I love chocolate, and that I love mommy's hair as I strokes it. The other day I was trying to get something out from under mom's dresser, pulled my hand out, and said, "There's fuzz on me." Then I put my hand in my mouth, pulled it out and said, "There is fuzz in my mouth." I have also been say "maybe" a lot, but not always in its proper context. For example, the other day when a train was going by at Grammy's I said, "Maybe it's a train." Mommy told me, "not maybe, it is a train".
I woke up with a cold today, ugh. Mommy gave me a bath and while I was in the tub, she was on the phone. So I went poop in the potty all by myself! I had some accidents too, but you take the good with the bad. However, by the time I peeped on the floor for the third time, mommy was done for the day and put me in a diaper. Mommy asked me if I needed to go, I said no and then peed on the floor the third time. She seemed upset so I just told her, "That's ok, you can clean it up."
I played a pretty fun game with my stuffed dog today. I put my doll blanket over my stuffed dog, lean against the wall with my hands over my eyes, and said, "One, three, one, I'm coming." Then I walked over to the dog, pulled the blanket off, and said, "I got you." There's nothing like a game of hid and seek when you know where the hiders are hiding :). Although I'm left wondering, if you hid it, is it really seeking? Later on, I played in the pool for a little while. There was a dead bee and a few dead wasps in my pool, so I said, "Bees all over." Mommy told me that I was awesome, so I said that she was awesome too. When we were in the basement mommy heard me say for some unknown reason, "To close for comfort." We had a pretty full evening, we watched some movies, played fetch with Milo, and took the dogs for a walk. While we were walking the dogs, I said something really funny mom's never heard me say before, but she can't remember what it was, oh well. I also played outside with the neighbor kids for a little while. I've gotten much better about letting mommy brush my teeth and actually cooperate, I guess I should cut her some slack every now and then.
Mommy took me on a bike ride this morning, weeeha. I have started to say, "…So it won't get lost" and "That's much better." For some reason this morning, though mom's not sure why, I said, "This is terrible." Then I was grabbing my toes and doing this little piggy, except I said, "This little piggy had cookies, this little piggy had ice cream, this little piggy had cookies!" Mom had some chicken soup for lunch, she ran down stairs to get something real quick, and heard me say, "There's a mess." When she got back up stairs, I had spilled her soup. I'm pretty sure it's a rule about bing a kid that if there is something that can be spilled we must head the call.
I say a lot, "You're big and I'm little." When I was at Grammy's I was looking at a DVD case, Baba picked it up and read the title, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and I said, "No swiping." (from Dora the Explorer) like if I said that it would stop the Grinch from stealing Christmas. It was worth a try.
Mommy got my cold and doesn't feel good at all. So Grammy picked me up and took me out to their house for a little while so that mommy could rest.
After breakfast this morning, I took my vitamin and put in the silverware drawer, and said, "Save it for later." When mommy got me dressed, I saw what I was wearing and said, "I look so adorable." Later in the day I wanted mom to help me off a chair and she said, "Rescue me." Sometimes when you tell me thank you I say, "Oh no, thank you," then you say, oh no, thank you, and she says oh no, thank you. Sadie got stung by a wasp at family home evening and cried for a long time, but once I felt better I was happy a played with the other little girl there.
Mommy was very amused this morning when I called Milo a little rascal. Then we were outside and I said to Milo, "Milo I'm kind of busy right now." I also told mommy, "Don't worry" for no special reason, just in general you know. Mommy set the timer so that she would know when it was time to put me to bed without looking at the clock. When the timer went off I said, "The food's ready." I also say a lot, "So it won't fall down" and "I made it." I peeped on the floor in the basement and when mommy was having a discussion about it with me I just kept telling her, "It's ok."
I got up in the middle of the night, mommy put me in bed with her and I said, "I'm afraid." So she snuggled closer with me and I went back to sleep.
The other day I said, "I got your nose" and held up my thumb at mom like people do to little kids, lol.
I spent the weekend with daddy in Utah. On our way home, I did pretty good with the potty training on the road today. I had to pee on the side of the road a couple of times because we weren't near anything. I even told mommy when I had to go and waited until we stopped, but I did have a couple accidents. While we were on the road, I said, "That's unacceptable." Mommy says that often and I'm starting to gather it's meaning.
This morning after I went potty on the toilet, mommy told me I was the best, and I said, "I’m not the best, I'm Sadie." When mom was getting dressed, I opened her closet and pulled out a shirt for her to wear. She said not that one, so I put it back and pulled out another one and said, "How about this one." That went on for a little while until she pulled out a shirt to wear. I'm just trying to assister he in any way I can, I think I could do a pretty good job at being her fashion consultant.
This morning, I said, "This is hilarious." Later I was watching a movie and the DVD froze, so I said, "Magic a boo" to try and fix it, for some reason that I don't understand that didn't work though. I handed mom a book with a dog on it and so she put it in the book case. Then I asked her where my puppy book was and she told me that she put it in the bookcase. Then for reason only I know, I went to the bookcase and the whole way there I kept saying, "Bad dog." I asked mom where it was after looking for it, it was on the next shelf up which is eye level for me. Thinking that I would look on the next shelf up, she told me it was in the top shelf, but I look clear up at the actual top shelf. If you want specific results you need to give specific directions. Later in the day, I wanted in my wading pool. Mommy got me dressed and filled up the pool. I kept insisting that mom put on her swimming suit and play in it with me. Eventually I wore her down and she gave in and did. Then I wanted her to play Candy Land with me and then color with me. Grammy watched me tonight and when she put me to bed, I asked where mommy was and she told me that mommy was at a meeting. Then I said, "Mommy will be back in a minute" and Grammy said, yes.
I've been saying that I'm afraid and when mom asks me what I'm afraid of I say, dragons. Mommy told me that dragons are only in movies and books, but I insist that I'm scared of dragons. Mom was trying to get me to eat and told me to take a big dinosaur bite. I said I didn't want to take a dinosaur bit, so she asked me what kind of bite I wanted to take and I thought about it for a while and then said that I wanted to take a hipo bite.
I had a slice of cheese and wanted mom to hold it, she told me that she couldn't since she was working out. Now, I'm pretty smart, so I put it in my Valentine's mail box Nana gave me and closed the door of it so that the dogs couldn't get it. What can I say, I'm a problem solver. Mommy had a creamy and when it was gone I asked her where it was, she told me she ate it and it was all gone. Then she said it was in her tummy and I said, "no it's in your bum".
I had some chocolate chips and mommy told me I had enough and that she needed to put them away. I said that they were mine and didn't want her to take them. Then I said, "I'll share them with you of course." I figured it was worth a shot to try and convince her to let me keep them. Grammy came with us to MDFF. Mommy order ice cream and then I said, "I'll have chocolate please." After that we went to the park for a little while.
I was at the store and sweet talked Baba into getting me some new sunglasses (since I broke mine), some bracelets, and a necklace.
I was in mommy's room and she heard me say, "I'm afraid." Then I said, "Don't worry lamby, there's nothing to be afraid of." At least that's what mommy always tells me when I'm afraid.
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