I, like most mom's, find my daughter to be both unbearably adorable and entertaining. So I decided to start a blog completely dedicated to her quirky personality. This way we can share the love with anyone interested. Being Sadie's mom is the best thing that ever happened to me, so I hope you enjoy The Adventures of Little Miss Sadie Laree as much as I do!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

January 2010

Mom put in a DVD for me, but I wanted to do it myself. So I took it out and put it back in and then told mommy that she was being naughty. Later in the day grammy, baba, uncle Clancy, mommy, and I went to get ice cream and to see Alvin and the Chipmunks the Squeakqual.

When mommy woke up this morning, she sneezed and from my bed I blessed her :).

I told mommy today that I wanted to go to the doctor because I hurt my arm.

I had the orange peeler and said, "Mom, this fits in my nose." Mommy said not to put things in my nose, I don't know why, it's a rather pleasant sensation if you ask me.

I went to activities day with grammy and mommy and had a lot of fun playing with the girls, I especially liked playing upset the fruit basket. I kept standing in the middle and saying, "Oranges!" Later we were at grammy's and I went came up to mom and said, "I kicked grandpa's butt."

Before church started the guy behind us was saying hi to me. I pulled my extra pair of panties out of my back pack and said to him, "Look, these are my big girl panties." Mommy said that I should leave them in my backpack. That time wasn't as bad as another time we were at church and mommy told me to get my hand out of my pants, to which I replied very loudly, "But mom, there's something in my bum." The guys behind us had a really great laugh over that one.

I went potty on the toilet and afterward said to mommy, "You're so proud of me."

We went over to grammy's today and celebrated my birthday! After cake and presents, we went to Chuck E Cheese! When we got home mom put together the doll house she got me for my birthday. I also got foam swords from Clancy, $100 for savings from baba, and clothes from grammy. What a day. Mom can't believe that I'm already three, but is as crazy about me as ever.

When I went down stairs this morning mom pointed out to me that she put my doll house together and I got a surprised look on my face and then went over to it and was picking things up saying "lovely".

When I got up this morning, I told mommy that my peepee was yellow, lol. 101 Dalmatians was on, which I have been binging on, and I said, "Oh my gracious," because I was concerned about what was going on in the movie. Now that I watch that movie all of the time I keeps telling mommy that I want to go to the pet store and get a PJ puppy. I went and had my three year pictures done today and it went much better than last year.

I pointed to my cheek and said to mommy, "Do you have a kiss for my cheek?" And of course she did :).

I was having so much fun in the nursery at church today that I didn't want to leave. I've been saying a lot lately, "Let's go both together" and "Can I ride on your back?"

Mommy was feeding me some yogurt and I said that I wanted to taste it, which means I want to put my finger in it to get some on my finger and then eat it. So I did that and then I put what was on my finger and put it on my toe and then licked it off my toe. Mom said not to eat food off my toes, yet again, I don’t' understand this.

I heard mommy making an appointment for my three year check up a few days ago. So when I came into mom's room this morning I asked her if I could go to the doctor today. She told me that we would go to the doctor tomorrow and that today we were going to grammy's. So I said, "ok, not now, but later".

I finally got to go to the doctor today, I've been waiting all week. Everything went well. I'm 38 pounds and 40 inches, that puts me in the 95% for height and weight. Mom keeps telling me that I'm too big to carry, I guess she's right, who knew. The doctor said that I had really good teeth and complimented my lips :). She suggested that mom start giving me skimmed milk, that I eat all my meals at the dinner table, and to try to get me to eat as healthy as I can.

When we walk from the garage to the house when it's dark, I always say that I'm scared. Mommy always tells me that I don't have to be afraid because she's with me to protect me and keep me safe and that she wouldn't let me get hurt. So today I told her not to be afraid and that I would keep her safe.

We drove to Utah today so that I can visit daddy! All the way there I kept saying I wanted to see daddy. When daddy dropped me off to go home the next day, mommy was trying to put me to bed, I told her that she was brave and wanted her to feed me my sippy like she did when I was a baby.

I wanted to play a game on the computer this morning and while I was trying to decide I said, "Think, think" like in Winnie the Pooh. I also says a lot, "not quit" and "let's go both together" or asks a question and ends it with "or something."

I got in bed with mommy at 3:00 am, shortly after that I sat up and turned on her radio. She turned it off and told me it was sleep time. So then I started to sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider, she shhhhed me and so I started to whisper the song. While we were at grammy's today I was behind mommy and wrapped my arms around her and then said which hand and put them both in front of her. She picked a hand and there wasn't anything in it, so she picked the other hand and there wasn't anything in that on either, lol.

I was in the bath tub and freaked out because some ants got into the water and was saying that the ants were going to kill me. Mommy keeps reassuring me that I don't need to be scared of aunts, but I not about to listen to her.

It's been quit the day, I have had a cold for a few days, had diarrhea during the day, and for the grand finally I threw up on my bed.
Maggie chewed up one of my toys. I asked mom if I could talk to Maggie about it. She said that I could, so I went to Maggie put my arm around her and had a discussion with her in a very sweet tone. It was hilarious according to mommy.

December 2009

Mommy and I took dogs on a walk. Today I said, fantastic and shucks. I wanted grandma to come over, so she did for a little while. I went to bed early because my ear is bothering me. Then I woke up crying, mommy couldn't find anything that helped me, then finally she took me into the living room and read me some books and I cheered right up. There's a dog on one of the Christmas figurines so I said, "Daddy is taking care of Sandy, and Jesus is taking care of Molly and PJ, he's a sweet Jesus." Mommy told me grammy gave her the figurine. Then because she told me that grandma went home when I asked where grandma was, I went to the window and said, "Thank you grandma outside." We were in the bathroom and mommy was getting me ready to put me back in bed and I hoped of the stool and hurt myself. I said, "I hurt my sweet leg."

Today while mommy was working out, I said, "Grandpa knows how to fix everything." Just an observation, but I haven't found anything yet that he hasn't been able to fix.

Mommy changed the bulb to her headlight and I was being very helpful. I said, "Maybe we need the hammer" and then got out the hammer and pounded on some things for a while. Then I said, maybe we need this, and got the socket wrench and put it in a hole it fit in. Then I got out a little screwdriver and tinkered around with it. Finally I said, "I'm freezing, let's go inside." And just for fun I said to mommy, "You're kidding."

After MDFF we went to the festival of trees, there were a lot of pretty Christmas trees there :). From there we went to the library and then the park. What a fun filled day.

It was St. Nicholas Day today! Sadie got some toys, books, coloring pages, stickers, etc… We spent the whole day at grammy and baba's.

I have perfect the art of getting what I want and have started to clasp my hands together interlocking my fingers and saying pretty please.

During church today I kept saying, "Super Sadie to the rescue." After the closing prayer I asked mommy if it was over. I just thought I would check and be sure that it really was over, there are so many prayers it's hard to keep it all straight :).

Lately I have been saying, "Can't catch me I'm the gingerbread man." I also find it fun to hang over the arm of the couch and say, "Sadie over board." I also saying a lot, "Not quite" and "What you say."

Mommy built me a shelving unit for my toys. Now there's room for more!

While I was eating my cereal this morning I was dipping my fingers into the milk and then rubbing the milk on my feet. I'm might have just invented the next big thing in foot therapy. After MDFF mommy took me to see The Princess and the Frog. During one part I started dancing and said it was dancing music. When it was over I clapped and then when the credits started to roll I said, "We gotta get out of here." When we got home, we went to a friend's house and made gingerbread houses.

Daddy came to visit me over the weekend. While mom was taking some of my stuff into the living room to get ready to go, Maggie got out of the kitchen. When mom was trying to get her back in I grabbed hold of the gate, called Maggie, and said to mom, "I got it handled."

We went over to grammy's after church and baba dressed up like Santa Clause and came out and gave me a present and let me jingle his bell. I had a lot of fun. They tried to tell me it was Santa Clause, but I know better, I knew it was baba all along.

One morning I woke up in mommy's bed, and told mommy not to mess up my hair because it was already fixed. Later in the day we went sledding at the park for FHE.

I said to Maggie, "Stay out of trouble Maggie." Then I said for some reason, "I give up." We got a lot of snow, so mommy and I made a snow man and it was a blast! I insisted that the snowman wear my flower hat and called it Frosty the Snowman. Mommy said it was Frosty if we just had a magic hat and I said maybe my "magic a-boo stick" would work. Then when we were inside getting a snack and I said, "Do you mind if I sit here?"

On our way to grammy's I kept asking mom if I could drive the car. She told me that only big girls get to drive and big girls go potty in the toilet. Well, she had me there. While we were at grammy's I opened a DVD case and when it was empty I closed it, said, "Abra cadabra ca poo" and opened it again. That didn’t work though, it always does in the movies, I don't understand what went wrong.

I got up this morning and went to the bathroom all by myself. Then mommy asked me a few times if I was going to poop in my pants or in the potty and every time answered in my pants. So she asked me if I was a big girl or a baby and I said a big girl. She told me if I was a big girl then I needed to poop in the potty. Then she asked me again where I would poop, but I still said in my pants. So she asked me if I wanted to drive the car like I asked yesterday and I said yes! Then she told me that first I need to be a big girl and big girls poop in the potty. So I pooped in the potty all by myself today without any help. We'll see how it goes, I do really well with potty, but we're still working on poop. I was out at grammy's for a little while and when she brought me home, I saw that because the snowman is melting it's face fell off and I said, "Oh gracious" and then put the face back on and then said, "Oh, beautiful."

I was sitting on mommy's lap, she flicked her finger and accidentally hit it on the wall. When she said ouch, I asked her what happened. She told me, and then I said, "Can I kiss it" and then kissed it for her. Later I was playing with Maggie and told her that it was too dangerous to go under the computer desk. Then I said to mom, "You will never stop Maggie now." I also pooped on the potty all by myself and then mentioned driving the blue car after I was finished :).

For breakfast today, I wanted yogurt and carrots and I dipped the carrots in the yogurt.

When mommy asked me what I wanted for breakfast I said that she just wanted carrots. Mommy and I made cookies for FHE. For a reason unknown to mommy and daddy I've been saying that I’m getting a batman for Christmas. Their best guess is that cousin Jonah must have one that I like to play with.

When I woke up this morning I went to the bathroom all by myself. Then I turned on mommy's bedroom light and said, "It's morning, time wake up, cock-a-doodle-do." I gave the neighbor kids I plays with some of the Christmas cookies we made yesterday. Then we went to grammy's and while we were there I said to grammy that I made a beautiful mess.

I spent eight whole days with daddy for Christmas and while was gone mommy moved the big girl bed into my room! And I've have been much better about staying in my bed at night since then. Mommy can't believe how much she missed me while I was gone. And is sooooo happy to have me back!

November 2009

I had a great time at Steak Conference today. I dropped a fruit snack, mommy was reaching to pick it up with one hand while the other was wrapped around me and she fell off her chair, lol. Grammy almost lost control laughing so hard. Just in case everyone around us didn't notice that mommy fell off her seat, I made sure I announced it. Grammy is so sweet, she was helping me with my baby doll, so I told grammy that she was an angel :). Grammy was also impressed that when I saw a Santa Claus and called it Christmas Claus, that I could remember that from the Christmas before.

As I'm sure you notice I've been getting in bed with mommy a lot lately, and she's not getting much sleep, but that's just par for the course. Well, I got in bed with her last night and when I woke up I noticed that mommy had a band aid on her thumb. I asked her what it was and she told me that she had an owey. I did what any good kid would do and kissed it for her. Kisses always help me when I get hurt. Later in the day I announced, for good measure, "Don't panic!"

I asked mommy where we were going today. She told me that we were going to see uncle Clancy and I said, "That's a great idea!" Later on in the day, I told mom that she was my best friend :). We stopped at a store on our way home and while mommy was trying to pick out a coat, I help her with great input such as, "beautiful," "what do you think," and "perfect."

I decide to give mommy a break and slept all night in my own bed. This morning I saw what looked like something delicious to eat, mom called it a Butterfinger. She opened it for me, I took one bit, spit it out, and said that it was too scratchy. That naughty Maggie got my banana, but I chased her outside, going out the dog door, and retrieved it. Mom told me she'd put the banana where Maggie couldn't get it, but I insisted on keeping it and said that I would keep an eye on the banana, and then said that I would keep an eye on Maggie.

This morning I said, "Wow, that's cool." We met uncle Clancy in Boise with grammy and baba and saw A Christmas Carol. I just a couple of times, I won't say that it scared me, but I will admit that it startled me.

At church today, I was drawing a picture and kept asking if mommy if grammy would love it. Then I told mommy that Santa Clause is keeping grandpa's toy till Christmas because that's what she told me when I kept asking about the toy tractor she got baba for Christmas. And incase mommy forgot, I told her again that she was my best friend. I drove home from church with grammy and baba. When mom got to their house and I saw her, I said that I was so glad to see her :).

I'm not sure why, but one day mommy helped out a friend and watched a little girl a bit older than me and I had a great time. Then today she helped out another friend and watched her little boy that is younger than me and I was not having that at all.

I'm such a big helper, I helped mommy rake the leaves. Something new I've added to my routine is to say, "I think so."

I've got diarrhea :( and while mom was changing me I thought I would let her know a little something about what I was doing and said, "But I was just trying to help." After she changed me, I said, "This is the best day of my life." Mommy finds that statement very hard to believe.

When mom was getting me ready, I was standing on the counter, I patted her on the head and said, "You're my good boy." Mommy does it to Milo and I thought it was fitting for the moment.

While Grammy was watching me, I wrapped a rubber band around my toe and it started to turn purple. So what should I say, but "I love purple, purple is mommy's favorite color."

This morning when mom was getting ready to go, I asked her what the magic word was. She said please, and then in a dejected tone I said, "Alright". I was a little disappointed that she knew that magic word. I thought for sure I asked her a riddle I was sure she wouldn't be able to solve. Later I opened the door to my room and said to the dogs to get out and said, "That's unacceptable." Mommy says it to me when I'm being naughty so I thought I would take the phrase for a test run and I think it was a rather successful test run at that.

We flew to Utah to see daddy. I had so much fun, daddy took me to Disney on Ice and it was great! When we flew home and landed mommy said to me that she couldn't believe that I talked all the way there. The guy behind us started laughing and thought that was pretty funny.

Grammy watched me for me while, when mom came home and grammy was leaving I said to her, "Thank you for playing with me." To which grammy said, "It was my pleasure." I pick up on everything like a little sponge, soon after that we were in the kitchen and I said, "It was my pleasure Maggie."

Life is not fair, I just got over diarrhea and now I'm constipated. From one extreme to another, I find this highly unacceptable.

This morning while coming up the stairs I said to Maggie, "You'll never get it now" and "I'm going to put it in a safe place." Then I put my sucker that I was done with on the kitchen counter where the dogs couldn't get it and put a dish towel over it for an extra safety precaution. While we were at grammy's today baba accidentally knocked me over and stumbled over me. After that we were on the trampoline and I told him that he wasn't my friend anymore. Then on our way out, he asked if he was my friend again and I said, "No, not yet."

Mommy got really really really brave and is giving potty training another go. Because I'm such a good girl and I love mommy so much, I think this time I'll cooperate to the best of my ability.

I've been told it so many times, so I thought I would share with grammy that fact that "I have a cute bum."

While I was down stairs I told mommy, "I'm working on it". Then I was lining up the DVDs end to end on the floor and said "That was a lot of work." We were in the kitchen and I said, "Hmmm, that's funny" like you say when something is strange or unusual. Then we had MDFF and afterwards mommy took me to the library and to see the movie Planet 51. At the movies I kept asking if Clancy, grandma, and grandpa were going to the movies and wondering where they were. Before the movie started I said, "I don't do that tongue thing" and then made a snake sound and said, "Let's kick some honey bums" both from Mulan. I'm on a big Mulan kick right now. When we got home I said, "Calm down doggies." We had some time to kill before the movies, so we walked around the craft store. I found a box of dogs that you pain in the kids craft isle that I wanted. I was pretty upset that we left without it. Mom told me that if I wanted it we had to go home and get her money to buy it, I'm guessing she was hoping that by the time the movie was over and we got home I would forget about it. Before the movie started I talked to baba on the phone and told him about the doggie box. Then on our way home I said that when we got home to get the money for the doggie box, I would wait in the car while mom went in and got my quarters. At that point mom decided just to go and get it for me before we went home. The cashier asked me if I was going to put them in my room and I said that I was going to put them on the table and thanked her for the doggie box. I remembered that we painted the pumpkins on the table which is why I said I was going to put them on the table. I talked to uncle Clancy on my way home and told him about the doggie box. When we got home I painted them.

It snowed this morning and I was really excited! I said that I love the snow, that I wanted to make snowballs and a snow man, and had fun making tracks in the snow. During the opening song at church I was singing If You're Happy and You Know It.

Today I informed mommy that, "This will do the trick."

Wow, I can't believe it, we are on day four of no accidents for potty training! I am even going on my own and even dumping my potty into the toilet when I'm is done, mommy is ecstatic!!!!! There wasn't a single bribe that would work before, but now just about anything works, mommy's prayers have been answered :).

Mommy was re-arranging some of the supplies she has in food storage. The song Time Love and Tenderness by Michael Bolton came on and I really started dancing to it, I was shaking it like I've never shaken before, lol. Then mom went downstairs to get something and I said, "Where do you think you're going." After that mom was giving the dogs a bath and I kept saying, "Scrub a dub dub."

Uncle Clancy took mommy paragliding and I got to watch them fly. I missed the crash landing though, they landed where I couldn't see them from where I was. Well, mommy crash landed, but uncle Clancy managed to stay on his feet :).

While I was helping mommy get things ready for Thanksgiving, I kept saying that we were making things special for grandpa. I would ask mom if we were going to do something, if she said no, I would say, "Not quite yet." We had a sad end to a good potty accident free run and I had two accident's today. I almost made it a week, but I'm still doing really well on potty training.

I told mommy that her eyes were green, and then said, "Green like grass." I've also been saying when you ask me to do something, "Sure."

Mommy made a birthday cake today and when she got out the guide to roll the fondant on, I said it was a map and really really wanted it. When she was putting the dots on the cake I told her that I loved them. Today I also said, "I'm so excited." When mom was in the shower I changed the DVD all by myself. When it got dark outside I said, "It's dark, time for bed." I spent the night at grammy's as part of mommy's birthday present from grammy, to get some sleep.

Mommy and I put up the Christmas tree this morning and I had a lot of fun. The whole time I kept asking if it was time to put the star on the top. I put all the ornaments on the bottom two rows of branches and kept saying, "so everyone can see it" when I would put one on. Then we went to Grammy's and I helped grammy and baba decorate their tree too. I said, "It needs something extra special" and then went and got a paper clip and put it on the tree. Then when they were done decorating it I went and got a roll of wrapping paper and said, "To celebrate."

Baba let me take home a basket with a nativity scene in it which I slept with last night and when I went into mommy's room this morning I brought it with me. The first thing that I wanted to do this morning was turn on the Christmas tree lights. Later we were at the store and I saw a ring in a candy machine that I really wanted. Later baba took me back to the store to try and get it for me and kept trying until the machine jammed. I got a lot of rings, but not the one I wanted. So then he took me to another store and bought me a toy.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

October 2009

When went to grammy's today and when we got there I went into grammy's room and asked her, "What you been doing today?" Grammy has a small box that has ballerina slippers on it and some jewelry that I like to play with and says that I have treasures in it.

I had such a busy day today. Grammy went with us to MDFF. Then we went to the library. After that we went to the store and got a treat. We stopped by where dad was to see what he was working on. Then we went to the park for a little while. After dinner we went and stayed the night at uncle Clancy's so that we wouldn't have to get up to early to go to the airport in the morning. Grammy called, I answered it and said, "Hello sunshine."

Mommy and I flew to Utah this morning so that I can spend the weekend with daddy. When mommy picked me up to go to the air port and go home, I cried all of the way to the air port. Mommy asked me if I need a few different things to see if she could get me to stop crying and I said, "I just want to cry". She repeated that back to me in the form of a question and I said, "Yeah." As soon as we got to the airport I was happy and sang Give Said the Little Stream almost the whole time we waited for the plane and the flight home. When we were walking through the airport and we got to a part of the floor that slopped down I would get on the ground and say I was going to go down it like a snake on my belly, but just crawled or scooted on my bottom. Uncle Clancy picked us up at the airport and then we got something to eat.

Mommy took me to the doctors because she still thinks I have a bladder infection. I wouldn't give them a urine sample, so they sent me home with what we need to get a sample and a prescription for if I need it. Today I dropped something and said, "Oopsy daisy."

Mom finally got a urine sample out of me and took it into the doctor's office. Sure enough I have a bladder infection. Mommy is mad as a hornet that they didn't catch it the first time she took me in. It’s really upsetting that she took me in a month ago because she thought I had a bladder infection, if they had been competent at the time and done their jobs I wouldn't have had to suffer from this more than a month and have it get a lot worse that it had to. It's also frustrating, that she knew I had one, but couldn't do anything about it without the doctor's say so, her medical welfare is in their hands, and she's powerless.

I got in bed with mom last night and brought my basket of sandbox toys Baba got me. When I woke up this morning the first thing I said was that I wanted to play in the sandbox Baba made me. Then I said my morning prayers and my whole prayer was about the sandbox toys.

This morning, I was eating some fish crackers at the table, then I set them in front of my DVD player's screen. Mommy suggested that I set them off to the side and I said, "That's a great idea."

Mom was scooping poop, and I was helping her find it and said, "I'm such a good helper." Then one of the neighbor girls and I were helping mommy put down some grass patch and I kept saying, "Here's a perfect spot" and then I would put some there. Then when the girl had to go home, I said, "Thank you for helping Lexie." I found some metal steaks in the garage and was pretending like I was a pirate and it was my hook and saying, "Rrrr maty." Mommy was trying to get the zipper to my jacket zipped up and I said, "Suck it in" like she says when she's zipping up my pants. We were having dessert and I kept saying, "This is delicious."

When I said my prayers this morning I prayed for the scratch on mommy's arm and then afterwards said that she needed a band aid on it. Then I was lying in bed with mommy singing Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam.

I woke up in the middle of the night screaming blooding murder. When mommy ran into my room and picked me up, I said that there was a spider in my bed. I helped mommy do yard work today by using a small hand shovel and putting rocks where mommy was shoveling them with the regular shovel.

It was MDFF, we also went to the park and out to eat. After that we went over to mom's cousin Lisa's and watched a movie.

Grandpa was over helping with mom's fence project and while I was roaming the backyard today, I stepped on some dog poop. Mommy pointed it out to me and I then apologized to the poop for stepping in it. Then I was talking about birthday parties, Baba asked if "The Hook Brothers" (his two pointer fingers he curves into a hook and tickles her with) were invited to her birthday party. I sounded really excited and said, "That's a great idea!" When dad was leaving I thanked him for helping with the yard.

Mommy and I painted pumpkins for Halloween. She calls hers a werewolf and I call mine abstract purple glob.

I haven't slept very well the last couple of nights and today mommy discovered the reason why, I'm coming down with a cold.

While we were at Baba's I wanted him to give me a ride in a basket and it was like the Three Bears. The first basket was too small the next basket was too big and the finally I got the last basket and said, "This one is perfect for me." I got a Halloween treat bag and it had a small box of dots in it that I insisted were for uncle Clancy.

Mommy gave Maggie a hair cut today and I told mommy, "You scratched Maggie all over." because with her hair cut short it's kind of prickly. Grammy was watching me and I saw a jet in the sky and said, "The plane is making clouds."

I have been saying, "That wasn't supposed to happen" from Wow Wow Wubbzy. I took a bunch of rubber bands out of mommy's vanity and filled up one of her shoes with them, then I took them downstairs in the shoe to play with them. While mommy was vacuuming, she asked me to pick up my toys downstairs so that she could vacuum down there. I cheerfully and obediently went down stairs and picked up all of my toys and put them up on the chairs and coffee tables :). Not exactly what mom had in mind, but it did accomplish what she wanted it to. I also said today, "Uncle Clancy's the best."

Daddy came and visited me over the weekend. Baba came over and redid the step in the front of our house, we tried and get my hand print in it, but it was still too wet.

We went over to grandma Kofoed's because it's her birthday. Grammy and Baba were watching me, when mom got home I was still up way past my bed time. Grammy claimed that I wouldn't go to bed, but mommy had me to bed in minutes.

When mommy was making herself breakfast, I said that I was going to make her breakfast and wanted the candy cane apron on. She put it on me, I pulled my chair over to the microwave, and she let me wisk her cream of wheat. Then I had my umbrella and said, "Watch this." And then opened the umbrella, a dazzling trick, I know :).

Today I said to mom, "Knock knock, who's there?" Then when we were trying to pick out a show for me to watch mom would pull one out and I would say, "That's too wacky for me."

Mom put my toilet seat in the wash yesterday to soak in bleach, so this morning when she put it back on for me I said, "You washed my seat, thank you very much." and gave her a big hug. Then I handed her two washers and said, "Buried treasure" like in Peter Pan. I wanted to watch Madagascar which I call "Move it Move it" because of the song. While I was watching it the scene where the lion bites the zebra was on and I stuck out my bottom and said, "Bit my butt." like the lemur king was saying. When we painted pumpkins, mommy was making the eyes, I asked her what she was doing and she told me she was making scary eyes. Ever since then I've been saying "Scary eyes" like it's funny.

I was drinking some milk and kept saying, "This is tasty." I also wanted mom to paint my toenails, so she did. Then I put my hands forward, palms down, with the fingers curved and said, but what about these. So she painted my fingernails also.

I got in bed with mommy last night. When I woke up this morning I said that I wanted to snuggle with mommy all day and she said that it sounded good to her. Then I said I love her and she said she loves me. Then I said I love her lots and lots and she told me the same thing and that I'm the best thing ever. When mommy was getting ready, she asked me what she should wear. I said, Hmm, mom opened the closet, I pulled out a shirt and said, how about this one. She pulled out another shirt and said, how about this one, and I said, "Yes, it's pink." Then I was trying to get the dogs off the bed, mom called them so they would get down, and then I said I was going to make mommy's bed for her, cause I'm so helpful these days :).

Mommy got me ready for Halloween. Grammy and Baba came with us to Trunk-or-Treat, but we missed it. So then we went around to some houses, but no very many people were home. Every time we went to a house where no one was home, mom would say, well we tried. So I started to say that to. This will be known has the Halloween that we tried to trick or treat.

September 2009

I was in mommy's room and she heard me say, as usual for a reason only I know, "Alright, alright, I give up." Later I told mom that she's my favorite. I also said (about myself), "I’m funny." I peed on the floor twice, after the second time, mommy was having a discussion with me about it and I said, "It was just an accident." In the card today, we went around a sharp corner and I said to mommy, "You're driving crazy mommy."

Mommy and I were coming in from the garage, and I said to my wagon, "Hi wagon."

Mommy woke up this morning to me yelling from my room, "Mommy where's my Sponge Bob." He was under my bed that silly Sponge Bob. After MDFF we went to the park for a short time. When we got home I wasn't feeling good and went to sleep early.

I woke up at 6:45 this morning still not feeling good. Despite the fact that I was crying and hurting, I still wanted to go down stairs and watch "Scooby Doo." I have been watching it as much as mommy will let me. Mommy just glad that I am watching something besides Oliver and Company and Lady and the Tramp. I went potty and then said that I felt better and then I was really happy after that, thank heavens! I took a bath and while I was in there mommy told me that my daddy was coming to pick me up and I said, "He's the best." While we were waiting I spilled a bunch of mom's beads, but said that I would clean them up. Mom went to get my jacket incase I needed it this weekend and I wanted her to put it on me along with my hat, new sunglasses, and my umbrella. I also insisted on wearing a dress because mommy was.

I was playing an Arthur game with mommy on the PBS website, where Buster serves people ice cream. When you get it right, they let Buster taste it and then he burps. The first time it happened I said, "Excuse Buster." Every time after that I would say, "Excuse Buster again." I've mentioned before that I like to eat ranch dressing, and I've found it works great to eat it with a spoon. When I want to know what something says or what it's called I says, "What's that name." I also say, "I want to hold you."

I went to the doctors and because mommy' thinks I have a bladder infection, but they said I don’t and that there's a little inflammation. The doctor said to give me a sits bath and put some desitin on me.

Today I said to Milo, "Don't bite your friends, I said don't bit your friends" (from the show Yo Gaba Gaba). Then mom went downstairs to get my DVD player and it said that it couldn't play the disc. She opened it up thinking that the disc just got disconnected, but there was a little foam heart sticker that I put in it, no wonder it wouldn't work. She took it upstairs and I said that I put the sticker in there and wanted to know where it was. I started telling mommy that I was going to go potty by myself and much to her amazement, I did. Potty training is still a roller coaster ride, but it's getting better.

I have started to say the full word hippopotamus and let me tell you that is a mouth full for a two year old.

I got out a banana for me and one for mom. Then I pretended that the banana was a phone. After that I said it was the shape of a rainbow, took mom's, and said that they were two rainbows. Then I started rocking the banana and singing rock a bye baby to it and put it down for a nap in my bed and covered both of them with my blanket. You would think I don't have any toys.

During church, I was talking, so mom covered my mouth and I said to her, "Be nice." After church I was outside playing with the neighbor girl and they were playing hid and seek. When it was my turn to hid, I was just shutting my eye and apparently figured that I was hidden by doing so. Then when Monique would get done counting and start looking for me, I would say, "Here I am." Somehow I'm not sure I'm playing the game right.

We did a service project for FHE, when we were leaving, it was dark and I said that it was creepy.

I played at the park with some other kids. For more reasons the world will never know, I've been saying, "But I had to." I'm not sure what I had to, but I certainly did have to for sure.

I was really full of it today. I had an arm full of stuffed animals and asked mommy to hold them and said, "They are too heavy for me." I wanted mom to sit in a specific spot on the couch, she did, and asked me if that was the spot and I said, "That's a great idea." Then she was doing some exercises and I said, "I want to exercise with you." I went over and did wall pushups, sit ups, and leg lifts, my version of them at least. Then I said, "You don't scare me anymore." Mom thinks I got that from a Scooby-Doo. The last couple of days I have really been into Peter Pan.

I wanted mom to help me find my Sponge Bob Square Pants and called it Sponge Bob Square Bum. Grammy stopped by and took me out to her house. When mom got there a little later, I gave mommy a hug and said, "I'm glad you're home."

A few days ago mommy told me that we were going to go to the movies this weekend, big mistake because she won't here the end of it until we actually go. The first thing I said when I woke up this morning in a tone of desperations was, "I want to go to the movies." I patted mom on the back this morning and said, "You're my favorite friend." Grammy went with us to MDFF. Then we went out to Grammy and Baba's for the day.

We went to Boise to celebrate Baba's birthday. All the way there I kept asking when we were going to go to the movies. We went to the park and then to the movies. Baba, mommy, and I saw Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. I really liked it, or at least I seemed to since I was quit and stayed in my seat.

During church I got a piece of granola bar in my eye and freaked out. You know you have bad cell phone reception when your two year old is on the phone with grandma and grandpa and keeps walking around saying, "Can you hear me?"

I told mommy today, "Let's play hid and seek, I'll hide under the table." I hid under the table, but then got out, when mommy finished counting to ten. I hid under the horse, after a couple of seconds, I said, "Here I am." Later mommy was going to carry me up the stairs and I told her that I wanted to walk like a big girl. That's what she tells me when she has too much in her hands to carry me.

Mommy took me to the park, when we were getting ready to leave, she asked me if I wanted to go to the store and get a treat. I said that I wanted a donut, so we went and got one. After that we took the dogs for a walk and I fell asleep while we were walking Milo. Later we went to the library, got a library card, and checked out some book for me and mommy. While we were at the library, I had my remote control toy and kept pushing the buttons when mommy told me not to. She told me that if I did it again she was going to take it from me. Well, I'm a kid, so naturally I did it again. She told me to hand it to her and reminded me of what she said. I got a look like, alright, and handed it to her without a fight, she was really surprised. Earlier I was playing with that remote like it was a phone, mommy was talking to me, and I said to the phone, "Hold on." Mommy had a necklace on that came with one of her shirts and I said, "I love your necklace, it's adorable." Later on I said, "I love your necklace, it's beautiful." I was playing with the Jenga blocks and got them all over the floor. When we came back down later, I said, "Oh no I made a terrible mess" (from The Monster at the End of The Book).

Mommy and I had a pretty rough night last night, I tossed and turned a lot and mommy didn't get much sleep. She woke up this morning to my diaper overflow soaking through even her clothes. She got up and changed me and I said, "Thank you for changing me." She told me I was welcome and then I said, "Sorry for getting pee pee on your blanket." She told me that was ok and then I said, "Thank you for changing the bed." Mommy though I was so sweet :). Later I sneezed and the snot got on my hand and when mommy cleaned it off I said, "Thank you for getting the boogie of my hand." Mommy's pants were falling down a little and I said, "Your bum is hanging out", lol. Later in the day mom was changing my pull up and I didn't have anything on the bottom, so she told me that my bum was hanging out and I stuck it out farther :).

When mommy was down stairs, I told her to count to five, and then I tried to hide under the hippo. Out of the blue, I said, "This is wonderful." I started calling Baba, Bob instead of grandpa, I just thought other people do and thought I might be calling him by the wrong name. I've entered a new phase and just want to wear my pajamas all of the time now.

After MDFF we went to the library to take back the books we got last time and get some new ones. When we got home, mom took me on a walk. Today Sadie said to mom, "Howdy doody."

Grammy and mommy took me to the park for a while, but I got hit in the head by a swing, and that cut the trip short. I guess get hit by a swing is one of those life lessons that it's a rite of passage for kids. Later we were at grammy's and I was saying superhero.

While I was outside playing with the neighbor kids I found a balloon that was popped and said, "This is a problem." Then when mom was putting me to bed I asked her to sing to me. Grammy sings me to sleep and I really like it.

I have been holding things up to my eye (like the card board tube to and empty toilet paper roll) like it's a spy glass and saying, "Pirate."

This morning mommy gave me something and I said, "Thank you for sharing with me." Then, I said, "That's so silly."

I put my blanket on and said, "Soft and fluffy." I also said to mom, "Are you serious?" The other day I licked a DVD and wiped it on my shirt to try and get is to work. Mom keeps telling me not to get my finger prints on the DVDs or else they won't work, but I'm an independent girl and I need to put the DVDs on all by myself.

August 2009

Daddy came to visit me this weekend.

Mommy started trying to potty train again today, it was a typical first day, lots of accidents. This morning mommy was trying to get me to do something and I said, "No, stop, I'm trying to listen." Mommy was outside with me doing sidewalk chalk and she got stung by a wasp. Right after that dad showed up with a new swimming pool for me and took care of the wasp problem. Later in the evening we went and did a service project for fhe (family home evening).
I put on my flip flops and then looked at mom and said, "These are on the wrong feet?" and she said, "Yes they are". So I changed them to the correct feet. I also says a lot, "I'm almost done" and "No I'm ok". If someone gets something in on their shirt I'll say, "You need a new shirt." If mommy gets me dressed in the morning before herself, I'll tell her, "You need to get dressed."

We worked on potty training a little more, I peed on the chair in the kitchen and pooped in the tub.

I went outside to play with the neighbor kids, they were sitting on the steps drawing pictures and I said, "What is going on here?" I was playing with them again later and had a little gas and said to them, "Hey guys, I'm a stinky bum". Then they were running through the sprinklers and screaming and I kept saying, "No screaming."

Mommy and I were playing in my new pool together and I motioned to mommy and told her that she was Flounder and then motioned to myself and said I was Ariel. When I motioned I had my fingers together like a beauty queen wave and did it in a pointing manner. I also told mommy that she was a guppy. Then I said mommy was bear and I was sheep (from Word World). She pretended to put a crown on me and then I pretended to put it on her (from a Word World episode) and called her "Your Majesty." I also kept saying while we were in the pool, "Let's take a break," then I would sit still for a few seconds and then start back up playing. Baba stopped by and dropped of some stuff for mommy's fence project.

Mommy was sitting in the computer chair and I was in the chair behind her and kept saying, "You're squishing me." I also say a lot, "I'll be right back" and "hold that for me". I also say that Maggie is a good boy, no matter how many times mommy tries to explain that Maggie is a girl :). Something I've found most helpful is that I have figured out how to open doors, mommy's not excited about this.

Potty training went better today, or so mommy thinks. I'm not ready to give it up just yet ;).

This morning I was watching a show while mommy was working on something and I said, "Where did that come from?" Mommy didn't know what I was talking about, but it was funny none the less.

Mommy and uncle Clancy went to a movie while grammy and baba watched me. Then we ment them at the movies and grammy and baba went to it. I totally got ripped off and didn't get to go to the movies even after I told them that I wanted to go to the movies too. Mommy claimed there wasn't anything out for me to see. We stopped by the store on our way home. While we were waiting in line to make a return, I asked mom what she was doing and then said, "You're just goofing around."

Mommy and I went over to Uncle James's to try and help him with his truck because it wouldn't start. On our way there I had my little pink Care Bear that baba got me out of a vending machine, and said, "Care Bear Stare!" When we got home, I was watching the Jungle Book and said, "I'm scared." Then I was sitting on the couch eating a piece of cheese and made a big mess, when mommy told me I made a mess, I said, "Don't worry, Milo will clean it up." Potty training went ok today, I finally went poop on the toilet for the first time since the second go round at potty training. When mom flushed the toilet, I asked where the poopy went, and she told me it went down the toilet. Then I said, "The poopy's with Jesus now?"

I have been getting really close at spelling out my name. I'll say, "S D I E, Sadie." Sometimes I will say excuse me when I burp. Today I had my stuffed lamb wrapped up in a towel like a blanket and was singing the lullaby from Lady and the Tramp to it.

When mommy's alarm went off this morning, I asked what it was, mommy told me and I said, "That's so funny." Then we were looking for a book to read and I said, "I'm so embarrassed" which I got that from Monster at the End of the Book. We were reading There's a Wocket in my Pocket book and every time we turned a page I would point at a figure and say, "Look a new friend."

We went to the grocery store and a lady there said that I was gorgeous and that I should model. I think she makes a very good point, I am quit adorable if I do say so myself.

This morning mommy heard a sound and then I sounded unhappy. She went in my room and I said that I hurt my toe. There's a possibility that I dropped my sippy on it, but the world will never really know. Mommy asked me to show her witch toe so that she could kiss it better. I grabbed my big toe and said, "This piggy." I got that from Baba playing "this little piggy went to market…" with me. Mommy bought me some new clothes for fall cause I'm growing like a weed.

I only had one accident today and that's a very big accomplishment!!! Over the course of a few days I said that I love poopy, I love chocolate, and that I love mommy's hair as I strokes it. The other day I was trying to get something out from under mom's dresser, pulled my hand out, and said, "There's fuzz on me." Then I put my hand in my mouth, pulled it out and said, "There is fuzz in my mouth." I have also been say "maybe" a lot, but not always in its proper context. For example, the other day when a train was going by at Grammy's I said, "Maybe it's a train." Mommy told me, "not maybe, it is a train".

I woke up with a cold today, ugh. Mommy gave me a bath and while I was in the tub, she was on the phone. So I went poop in the potty all by myself! I had some accidents too, but you take the good with the bad. However, by the time I peeped on the floor for the third time, mommy was done for the day and put me in a diaper. Mommy asked me if I needed to go, I said no and then peed on the floor the third time. She seemed upset so I just told her, "That's ok, you can clean it up."

I played a pretty fun game with my stuffed dog today. I put my doll blanket over my stuffed dog, lean against the wall with my hands over my eyes, and said, "One, three, one, I'm coming." Then I walked over to the dog, pulled the blanket off, and said, "I got you." There's nothing like a game of hid and seek when you know where the hiders are hiding :). Although I'm left wondering, if you hid it, is it really seeking? Later on, I played in the pool for a little while. There was a dead bee and a few dead wasps in my pool, so I said, "Bees all over." Mommy told me that I was awesome, so I said that she was awesome too. When we were in the basement mommy heard me say for some unknown reason, "To close for comfort." We had a pretty full evening, we watched some movies, played fetch with Milo, and took the dogs for a walk. While we were walking the dogs, I said something really funny mom's never heard me say before, but she can't remember what it was, oh well. I also played outside with the neighbor kids for a little while. I've gotten much better about letting mommy brush my teeth and actually cooperate, I guess I should cut her some slack every now and then.

Mommy took me on a bike ride this morning, weeeha. I have started to say, "…So it won't get lost" and "That's much better." For some reason this morning, though mom's not sure why, I said, "This is terrible." Then I was grabbing my toes and doing this little piggy, except I said, "This little piggy had cookies, this little piggy had ice cream, this little piggy had cookies!" Mom had some chicken soup for lunch, she ran down stairs to get something real quick, and heard me say, "There's a mess." When she got back up stairs, I had spilled her soup. I'm pretty sure it's a rule about bing a kid that if there is something that can be spilled we must head the call.

I say a lot, "You're big and I'm little." When I was at Grammy's I was looking at a DVD case, Baba picked it up and read the title, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and I said, "No swiping." (from Dora the Explorer) like if I said that it would stop the Grinch from stealing Christmas. It was worth a try.

Mommy got my cold and doesn't feel good at all. So Grammy picked me up and took me out to their house for a little while so that mommy could rest.

After breakfast this morning, I took my vitamin and put in the silverware drawer, and said, "Save it for later." When mommy got me dressed, I saw what I was wearing and said, "I look so adorable." Later in the day I wanted mom to help me off a chair and she said, "Rescue me." Sometimes when you tell me thank you I say, "Oh no, thank you," then you say, oh no, thank you, and she says oh no, thank you. Sadie got stung by a wasp at family home evening and cried for a long time, but once I felt better I was happy a played with the other little girl there.

Mommy was very amused this morning when I called Milo a little rascal. Then we were outside and I said to Milo, "Milo I'm kind of busy right now." I also told mommy, "Don't worry" for no special reason, just in general you know. Mommy set the timer so that she would know when it was time to put me to bed without looking at the clock. When the timer went off I said, "The food's ready." I also say a lot, "So it won't fall down" and "I made it." I peeped on the floor in the basement and when mommy was having a discussion about it with me I just kept telling her, "It's ok."

I got up in the middle of the night, mommy put me in bed with her and I said, "I'm afraid." So she snuggled closer with me and I went back to sleep.

The other day I said, "I got your nose" and held up my thumb at mom like people do to little kids, lol.

I spent the weekend with daddy in Utah. On our way home, I did pretty good with the potty training on the road today. I had to pee on the side of the road a couple of times because we weren't near anything. I even told mommy when I had to go and waited until we stopped, but I did have a couple accidents. While we were on the road, I said, "That's unacceptable." Mommy says that often and I'm starting to gather it's meaning.

This morning after I went potty on the toilet, mommy told me I was the best, and I said, "I’m not the best, I'm Sadie." When mom was getting dressed, I opened her closet and pulled out a shirt for her to wear. She said not that one, so I put it back and pulled out another one and said, "How about this one." That went on for a little while until she pulled out a shirt to wear. I'm just trying to assister he in any way I can, I think I could do a pretty good job at being her fashion consultant.

This morning, I said, "This is hilarious." Later I was watching a movie and the DVD froze, so I said, "Magic a boo" to try and fix it, for some reason that I don't understand that didn't work though. I handed mom a book with a dog on it and so she put it in the book case. Then I asked her where my puppy book was and she told me that she put it in the bookcase. Then for reason only I know, I went to the bookcase and the whole way there I kept saying, "Bad dog." I asked mom where it was after looking for it, it was on the next shelf up which is eye level for me. Thinking that I would look on the next shelf up, she told me it was in the top shelf, but I look clear up at the actual top shelf. If you want specific results you need to give specific directions. Later in the day, I wanted in my wading pool. Mommy got me dressed and filled up the pool. I kept insisting that mom put on her swimming suit and play in it with me. Eventually I wore her down and she gave in and did. Then I wanted her to play Candy Land with me and then color with me. Grammy watched me tonight and when she put me to bed, I asked where mommy was and she told me that mommy was at a meeting. Then I said, "Mommy will be back in a minute" and Grammy said, yes.

I've been saying that I'm afraid and when mom asks me what I'm afraid of I say, dragons. Mommy told me that dragons are only in movies and books, but I insist that I'm scared of dragons. Mom was trying to get me to eat and told me to take a big dinosaur bite. I said I didn't want to take a dinosaur bit, so she asked me what kind of bite I wanted to take and I thought about it for a while and then said that I wanted to take a hipo bite.

I had a slice of cheese and wanted mom to hold it, she told me that she couldn't since she was working out. Now, I'm pretty smart, so I put it in my Valentine's mail box Nana gave me and closed the door of it so that the dogs couldn't get it. What can I say, I'm a problem solver. Mommy had a creamy and when it was gone I asked her where it was, she told me she ate it and it was all gone. Then she said it was in her tummy and I said, "no it's in your bum".

I had some chocolate chips and mommy told me I had enough and that she needed to put them away. I said that they were mine and didn't want her to take them. Then I said, "I'll share them with you of course." I figured it was worth a shot to try and convince her to let me keep them. Grammy came with us to MDFF. Mommy order ice cream and then I said, "I'll have chocolate please." After that we went to the park for a little while.

I was at the store and sweet talked Baba into getting me some new sunglasses (since I broke mine), some bracelets, and a necklace.

I was in mommy's room and she heard me say, "I'm afraid." Then I said, "Don't worry lamby, there's nothing to be afraid of." At least that's what mommy always tells me when I'm afraid.

July 2009

When mommy put a new outfit on me this morning and I said that grandpa got it for me and that he was so sweet :).

Mommy was working on her scrapbook this morning and I was cutting up some paper. When I was done, I said, "that was a lot of work". When I sees the moon out before it gets dark, I always asks what he moon is doing, and then say, "the moon waked up". We went to the store to get a few things, while we were waiting in line I got a dog toy, brought it over to mommy and said, "just in case". When we got home I was calling for mommy and called her Terrellee instead of mommy. To which she responded, it's mom to you young lady.

On our way home from boating with baba, I had a Chap Stick and part of the wrapper was coming off. I kept saying, "the Chap Stick is getting naked".

I went and saw Ice Age III, it was good, but I didn't sit still at all and even ran up to the front and roared at the dinosaur on the screen.

Mommy was making me toast this morning and I kept saying, "we have to be patient". Hmmm, I think mommy must say that to a bit too much, that or I really need to work on my patients.

I went to the doctors because I have been um…stopped up for a few days. While I was there I also got a blood sugar tested too because mommy has been concerned about how much fluids I've been drinking. It was a little high so I have to go in tomorrow and do a retest. The doctor gave us a list of medicines that would help me. We stopped at the store and got me what I need. It worked fairly fast and I finally went to the bathroom in the evening. I never thought that I would be so happy to poop. Grammy stopped by to see how I was doing and brought me a balloon, she is so thoughtful.

I went the doctors this morning to get my blood sugar retested and it was normal, so that's good. While mommy was working out today, I said, "Ladies and gentlemen!" While we were at Grammy's today, I wanted some ranch dressing and then wanted to taste the other dressings. When I tasted one of them, I said, "Yuck!" I think I'll just stick to ranch.

I went into mommy's room this morning and informed her that, "I was asleep and I woke up." I have started to say, "sparkly", us females are like little raccoons, we are attracted to shinny things, I'm pretty sure it's in our DNA. When mommy was putting the groceries away, I said, "It's good to see you!" Then she was upstairs and I called her downstairs to help me. When she got down there I was in the window seal holding a game and said, "I got a problem." Later on I made sure I let her know how I feel and told her, "You're the best."

This morning I was in mommy's bed and asked her how she slept, it seemed like the right thing to say at the time. Then I had my stuffed kitten and said that it looked like Molly and that Molly is with Jesus. Milo was sniffing a game piece to see if it was food, and mommy let him know that it wasn't. Then I kept saying to him, "that's not food Milo, it's a game". Someone got to tell the boy what's what.

It's aunt Reeree's 31st birthday today, so mommy and I took flowers to her. The whole family went out to eat. When we were ordering, the person taking our order asked me what was in my hand, meaning the stuffed lamb I was holding. I didn't understand what she meant and looked at the palm of my hand I wasn't holding the lamb with. Then mommy said no the other hand, so I moved the lamb into my other hand and looked at the palm of that hand. So mommy took my lamb and showed it to me and asked, what is this? Then I finally caught on and said, lamb. After that we went and visited Laree and released some birthday balloons for her. Mommy made cheese cake to celebrate her birthday with that we had afterwards.

The other day I was singing Rock-a-Bye-Baby to my baby doll, mommy thought it was pretty sweet. I also like to sing, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

I had the Cinderella game piece to Disney's Sorry and said that it was my favorite. The other day I was saying that a certain cereal was grandpa's favorite, I just know what he likes, so I thought I would share that bit of information. All of mommy's family went to the movies for family home evening. We saw the movie Earth and I was all over the place. Yeah, I was "that kid" at the movies. In my defense it was not animated and I just couldn't pay attention. We got ice cream afterwards!

Sadie kept telling me my phone was ringing, but it really wasn't she just thought it was, I had to show her that it wasn't. It was a little bit after her bedtime and she told me that she wanted to go to sleep.

I've learned that I have to protect my food from the dogs because they are like vultures just wait to swoop down and eat my food the first chance they get. So to keep my banana safe, I put it in the seat of my car.

Daddy came to visit me over the weekend.

I have started saying, "Come here, I want to show you something."

Mommy was playing in my pool with me and said that mommy was Cinderella and I was the Prince, I've learned to pretend. I was riding the rocking horse baba got me at the neighbor's yard sale and kpet saying, "Ride 'em cowboy!" Then when mommy was trying to get me to bed and put my blanket on me, I said, "Snug as a bug."

I wanted mom to wear my cowboy hat, so she put it on and asked me how she looked and I said, "You look beautiful." Later in the day we went bowling for family home evening.

We were out in the back yard with the dogs and for some reason she said, "Sorry that's the breaks Milo." Then Sadie and I went to Weiser's Classic Candies. When I pulled up, she said, "I'm getting chocolate? And you're getting ice cream?" That is what we usually do when we go there so apparently she is on to our routine. Then while she was eating her velvet mints, she held it up to the rail that is painted a dark brown and said that her chocolate matched the bars. When we were at home, I was sitting in the spot she usually sits in and she said she wanted to sit in her spot.

Grammy watched me while mommy did her visiting teaching. When grammy went to bring me home I said, "I had fun today." Mommy was getting me ready for bed and I was whining for something. Mom asked me, "how do was ask for something", and I said, "please". Then she said, "and with a happy face", and I said, "Where did my happy face go?"

Mom went outside this morning and turned on the sprinklers. I wanted to sit on the swing and watched them, so we did for a little while. I was going down the stair and bumped Milo and I said, "Sorry Milo, I didn't mean to hurt you." Mommy was putting some towels away she just washed, I was playing with them. She went to put them away and I asked what she was doing. She told me that the towels had to go to sleep, that it was their bed time. She didn't want me to get upset when she took them away, so she told me one of those little white lies parents tell their kids to keep the peace. It worked, I said, "ok", and kissed them goodnight.

I woke mommy up at 6:45 am by going in her room and saying, "I have a boogie mommy." We were outside doing sidewalk chalk and I gave her a different chalk and took the one she had and said, "Lets trade." I wanted what she had and it seemed like a good compromise.

We went to the store and on our way I kept saying that I wanted the baby one. Mom didn't know what I meant until I went and got one of the small shopping carts for kids. I took it and went to the candy isle and put in a bunch of stuff and had a really good time pushing it all around the store :). Mommy wasn't sure if I was going to be able to leave the store without it, but she just told me I needed to put it back so that it would be here for next time and I put it back in the same spot as she got it from. After that we went to the second day of mommy's ten year high school reunion.

Mommy hasn't been feeling good today, when she told me that she didn't feel good, I said, "Oh, do you want my blanket Mommy?" and then covered her up with it. It always makes me feel better, and I just knew that it would help her feel better too.

I have a little story to tell you, that I like to call "The Broken Moon." There was a girl, just for fun let call her Sadie. Sadie was out visiting grandma and grandpa, living it up, enjoying country life, when grandpa noticed something amuck. Sadie had a look of great concern and sounded rather upset. What was a grandpa to do but go investigate the cause of her great distress? He approached her looking around for the source of the problem, and found nothing obvious. So he asked her what the problem was, very distraught she replied, "The moon is broken." (That night there was only a half moon out.) Grandma decided to join in and asked her where the other half of the moon was. She looked all over the sky and said in the same troubled tone, "I don't know." Ok, that little girl was me, and come to find out the moon wasn't really broken. Some more living and learning I've had to do.

Baba just got done remodeling his bedroom with the help of uncle Clancy and uncles James. I let him know that grandpa's room was pretty, and said that James made it pretty. When we were over there today, baba let me throw dirt all over myself. When mommy took me in the bathroom so that she could clean me up, I saw myself in the mirror and said, "My face is dirty." When we got home I said to the dogs, "Did you guys miss me?" Mommy told me that they did and I smiled really big :).

The other day mommy was painting her nails, so I wanted mine done also, and she was kind enough to oblige. This morning after I woke up mommy put me in her bed and gave me a sippy and laid there for a few minutes. When I finished my sippy and became more awake, the first thing I wanted to do was show mommy my painted toe nails that mommy painted for me. I pulled my feet out from under the blanket and said, "look mommy".

This morning when mommy was getting me ready, I was less than thrilled, and said "I'm not adorable girl anymore!" Later on for some reason unbeknownst to mommy, I said, "I'm taking a break." On our way home, I dropped something and wanted mom to get it for me. She couldn't since she was driving and told me to show her what a patient girl I can be. But I told her, "I'm not a patient girl anymore."

I had a stick I was using as a magic wand and accidentally scraped the ceiling (I was standing on my changing table) and then said, "Sorry wall." When I was playing like I have a magic wand, I say, "Magic a boo"or "Bippy a boo" or "Boppy a boo" Those seemed to be the right words for magic in Cinderella. I love to play with sticks of any kind, they make for so many different kinds of fun.

I had my box of hair things open and was going through them saying, "Something's missing." I saw the movie Madagascar and liked singing the song in it, "I like to move it move it." When I am in my bed at night I insist that I have my blanket on and that I'm snuggled up. The Brown Bear book nana got me has been read to me so many times I have it memorized. Mommy was reading it to me the other day and I said, "Brown bear brown bear what you see. I see a purple cat looking me." Then I turned the page and asked where the purple cat was, but it wasn't for another couple of pages.

Mommy and I went to Faun's Fudge (Weiser Classic Candy), for Mother Daughter Faun's Friday (the new tradition she started with me). When we got home, I watched Alice in Wonderland and afterwards came up stairs and said, "I'm late." We were on the couch and mommy told m she loves me so much and asked me if I knew that. A few minutes passed and I said, "I love you mommy so much, you are the best!" Grammy stopped by and took me home with her. Mommy came out later and we had dinner. Grammy's neighbors were over at their house and I said to one of their little girls, "Hannah, I wanna hold your hand." Then I tried to lead her out to jump on the trampoline.

June 2009

Mommy took me to Up for family home evening and I liked it so much I was quiet the whole movie and stayed in my seat :).

Mommy took me to her friend Maria's so that I could play with her kids. We played on the trampoline with a sprinkler, it was so much fun! Something else fun today, I started to say, "I'm so happy!" . Some other things I say a lot are: oh I see, this way, hold that me (hold that for me), and I'll help mine self.

Today was a lot of fun, mommy took me on a bike ride and to then to the park!

I played in my pool that baba got me while mommy worked in the yard. I love the water! When mommy was moving one of the trees she planted, I said that I wanted to help. So I held one side of the bucket it was in and mommy held the other and we carried it over to the place she wanted to plant it. On our way to the spot I thought I should encourage mommy so I said, "Mommy you're a good helper." Then I needed some help getting on the porch swing and when mommy put me on it, I told her I hurt my toe, she told me she would kiss it better. So I showed her witch toe it was and she kissed it. Then I told mommy that it was her fault. Sometimes if she accidentally hurts me she'll say, "Sorry baby, that's mommy's fault." So I just figured that when I get hurt it's her fault . While she was working in I also kept telling her to come and play with me, and she just couldn't resist that. Later in the day we went and got ice cream and then went to the park.

It was another day of yard work for mommy. She was shoveling rocks and stopped to rest and I asked her, "Mommy what's wrong?" She said nothing was wrong, that she was just resting. Then I asked her, "Mommy what's the matter?" She kept telling me that she was just resting . Call it a sixth sense, but I just thought for sure something was wrong, I guess I have to learn the difference between something being wrong and fatigue. While I was out in the yard with mommy, I got my first wasp sting on my toe, not fun. I had no idea bugs could hurt me, but now that I know I'll be sure to freak out every time I see any kind of bug.

I was in bed with mommy this morning. Her alarm went off and she turned it off right away, but I woke up anyway and said, "I like that song."

I was quit the task master this morning and kept telling mommy to get ready for church. Someone's got to take charge and get things done around here.

I got some new DVDs, this morning mommy opened them up so I could watch them and she told me that they were from Marshall. So I said, "Marshall is pretty nice."

I visited daddy over the weekend. Mommy and uncle Clancy picked me up. On our way home I told mommy to close her eyes and then said, "no peeking".  When we got gramy and baba came over and we had pie for Father's Day.

Baba stopped by on his way home and brought me a new princess getup because my shoes and crown broke. Ok, well the shoes broke on their own, but I broke my crown. That must be why mom keeps calling me the destructor. After dinner we went for a walk and I kept saying, "I better hop in the stroller."

Mommy took me to the Fiddle Festival's carnival. I had so much fun riding on the rides!

This morning, I was calling mommy and when she went to see what I wanted, I was at the bottom of the stairs laying on my stomach on the bottom two steps and said, "Give me a hand." I looked up those stairs and the just looked like way to much work.

This morning I was in mommy's bed and started singing the primary song "Happy Family." Grammy sings a lot with me and I’m starting to pick up on the songs.

Daddy finally moved out of Aunt Jenny's and into his own apartment. I get a room of my own with princess blankets and everything!

Some more things that I've started to say are: that's my favorite, you're the best, we better hurry, and he/she is cute. When I want mom to wrap me up in my blanket, I says, circle me up.

We went boating with baba. I love riding in the boat!