I had a lot of bath fun today, mommy took a hot bath, so I thought I would take advantage of it. I sat on the edge of the tub kicking my feet in the water and dipping my toy in it. Mommy took my pants off so that they wouldn’t get wet, but I felt like they needed to have some bath time fun to and dipped them in the water like I would a cookie in milk. It wasn't fair for mom to have all the fu n, so I tickled the bottom of daddy’s foot too.
Sweet daddy stayed home from work today to take care of everyone because mommy is sick. I was in the bathroom with daddy and he gave me a little scrap of toilet paper. What else was there to do but to wipe my mouth with it and then wiped daddy's mouth while I was at it. After that it had to be disposed of, so I threw it in the toilet, and had a grand time watching it go down the toilet :). I noticed something today that I never noticed before, mommy and I have the same chin. I went to her touched the dimple on her chin with my finger and then touched my own chin.
I was having a good time playing with daddy’s car keys when all of a sudden I heard a loud and startling sound. Apparently there's a panic button or something like that I kept setting off. It scares me, but I knew what to do, I ran to mom or dad and gave the keys to them so that we could turn it off.
Well, I've finally done it. If mom has told me once she's told me a thousand time not to play with aunt Reeree's plants. And I found out there is actually a reason for it, I knocked one over today and made a pretty big mess. But I was helpful, the whole time mommy was cleaning it up, I sang No No to a tune for her! Later on I was sitting on mommy's lap, dipping a carrot into ranch, and licking it off. The next thing she knew I was rubbing the ranch all over my face. I call it the ranch facial and suggest that everyone try it, lol.
It's Wednesday, May 07, 2008 and today I started to say Mommy! She wins! Grandpa was hoping it would be grandpa first, and he sure did try, but it is what it is.
I can be taught. Mommy told me to come down stairs with her and before I got up to go with her I put all of my toys back into their basket. Mommy was delighted!
While we were at the grocery store, I was making some noise, as I very often do. Mommy tapped her finger against her lips and said Shhh. So I did the same thing with my fingers. Then I proceeded to wave and saying hi to the other shoppers, I even told a guy behind us No No. His wife said to me, “That’s right, you tell him, no.” I'm so darn cute :).
Mommy and I went to her friend's baby shower. When she was done opening presents she said thank you, and I thought that that would be the appropriate time to clap. Everyone else started clapping to, then I got shy and ran to mommy. And I refused, despite mommy's efforts to wave goodbye when we left. However, on our way out of the store, I saw fit to wave at everyone that went by. I want to do what I want to do when I want to do it, what's wrong with that? While we were in the bathroom at the store I laid down on the floor to look under the stall next to us, and mommy said that that was not appropriate. I don't see what the big deal is, I was curious.
It's mother's day, while mommy was in the bathroom fixing her hair for church, daddy gave me a card and told me to give it to mommy. So I took it into the bathroom and threw it on the ground. He said, no give it to mommy, so then I picked it up and handed it to her. If you want specific results I need specific instruction. Something new, I started to say Bye Bye today.
When daddy got home from work we went swimming for family home evening. It took me some time to warm up to it, but we had a great time.
Daddy wanted to enter me into the cutest baby contest the city is having, so mommy took a picture of me into the library to enter me into contest.
We had a play date with daddy's cousin and her kids today. Later in the day I saw mommy scratch Maggie’s side and so I went over to her and scratched mommy's back. I'm just helping Maggie return the favor :). There are this small beings they call babies and I just find them absolutely fascinating.
Mommy had a realization today about something I've been doing for a while. I take a tissue and push it against my nose and mouth and then make a growling sound because that is what mommy does. She finds it rather embarrassing that that is my imitation of her blowing her nose. Today I said, “Mommy and Daddy followed by some stuff they couldn’t understand”. I'm working with them, they'll be able to understand me one of these days.
We went to the movies with daddy's family. While we were there I dumped some of mommy's milkshake on her, ran around the whole time, and then spit up red vines on daddy. Good times :).
I got one of my stuffed bears out of my basket and gave it a big smooch, it looked like it needed one and I just want to share the love. I rather like to give hugs these days, to mommy, or the dogs, or kids in my primary, etc… Hugs are good!
I was fairly productive today, I smooched my Piglet quite a bit and had a really fun time jumping on the bed. Most moms won't let their kids jump on the bed, I'm glad my mommy isn't one of those, otherwise I'd be missing out on so much fun!
I needed my nose wiped, so mommy told me to bring her a Kleenex that was sitting in the window seal, and so much to her surprise I did. I took my baby doll and gave it a kiss and then hugged it, as near as I can tell, that's what you do with babies. I also found another use for my sippy cups. I put one on each foot, and then wiggled them around. I tell you I can find entertainment in just about anything.
The city called today to let us know that I got in the top 10 for the cutest baby contest! I always thought I was cute, but now it's more official. I get to go in on Tuesday to meet with the judges.
I was be so ornery at church today that mommy had daddy bring me home early from church. I may have to keep that trick up my sleeve for later.
We went bowling with daddy’s parents and Jonah. I pushed the ball down the ramp a few times after Jonah got tired of it, they just showed me once and then I could do it myself after that.
Since I have been hugging the dogs mommy always say "awe" when I do it. So now I says that when I hug the dogs. I also started to say doggy, mine, and what. Something else I found to entertain myself is to buoying my lip, so much fun!
While we were at the store there was a ledge or step up and I walked with one leg on the step up and the other on the regular floor, very interesting, I must try this some more.
I'm so funny, the other day I had an index finger up each nostril, lol! I got a molar in, not funny. I also spent the morning carrying around one of the trash cans and putting my Piglet in it. It's a very convenient hauling mechanism. Mommy and uncle Clancy went and got some things for the yard, while they were gone daddy watched me. He was patting me on the bum and I said, “Hey, No No.” and then I was playing with his phone and would say, “Hi, ok.”
While Clancy and mommy were eating lunch, Clancy was drumming on the table with his knuckles. It was making such a lovely sound that I joined him and started to do the same thing.
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