Note: These are pictures of me eating my vegetables ;).
I went visiting teaching with mommy and she thought it was funny that I asked if I could ask her partner Victoria a question.
We woke up brigth and early this morning and helped clean the church, I had so much fun helping mommy clean the glass!
It's the 4th of July! Grandpa took us all to the park in Boise and we watched the fireworks! It was so much fun. Mommy thinks that we were a little bit too close to the display because she got some firework particles in her eye, lol.
I was teasing Maggie by putting a doll blanket on her head. When mom told me not to do that to Maggie, I said, "But she'll look stylish."
Today, told mommy that I wanted to go to school and said I wanted to go because "I'm smart and sweet because I'm Sadie Jones the big girl".
On our way to the car, mommy was trying to get Milo out of the garage and I started to yell at him. She told me not to do that because She was in charge. I started to cry and said that I wanted to be in charge. She told me that I could be in charge of my lamby (my stuffed animal). Then I was talking on the phone to grandpa and informed him that mom was in charge of screaming and the dogs and I was in charge of my lamby. Later on in the day, I took my very first camping trip! I had a good time riding in the boat, roasting marshmallows and sleeping under the stars.
I was inspired by watching Aladdin , so I've been telling mom that I trust her. However, I don't trust my water bottle shaped like a lamb, lol. I also told mom today, "…but that's not fair." She did not think she would be hearing me say that until I'm at least 12, lol. I didn't think it was fair that I should sleep in my bed. Mommy keeps telling me that life is fair, but I strongly disagree and believe very adamantly that it is fair.
It's aunt Reeree's 32nd birthday today. We had her favorite foods for dinner. Aunt Treva and grandma Kofoed came out for it. After that we went out to Laree's grave and released some birthday balloons. When we got home mommy and I watched the slide show of Laree mommy made for the funeral.
Mommy's friend Maria had a baby yesterday, so we went to visit them. While we were there, I got to hold her and asked if I could give Reesa a kiss. Babies are so sweet.
I'm so excited! I turned around on my bike all by myself today!
I've started a new thing, when I'm watching a movie and have a question, I'll ask the question and then demand, "Tell me the truth about…"
I got to spend the weekend with daddy! On our way home, mom showed me the miniature lotion set she won playing bingo at grandpa's family reunion. When I saw them, I said, "I've wanted this my whole life from bingo." Then later I was laying on the floor, held up my hand, and said, "A little help here".
The other day I announced to mommy, "I'm having too much fun!" I'm not so sure there is a thing as too much fun, but I'm sure going to make my best effort to find out.
Mommy hurt her back, so I said that she needed to go to the doctor to get the right medicine to help her feel better just like me.
Mommy thought my prayer tonight was very amusing, I don't see why it's so funny, you be the judge. All I said was, "Thank you for Maggie to not be fat." Lol.
I like to help out when I can, so I brought all of my change to mom and said that I wanted her to have all of my money for shopping. Mommy thought it was so sweet.
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